The mechanical & electrical works of first section of TEHRAN-SHOMAL free way was done by PARS FARAGAM & DICCO consortium ARMANIK was responsible for the engineering, supply & commissioning of the HVAC system as follows :
Control Building Fot Tunnel No:13
Control Building Fot Tunnel No:16
Technical challenges (among other contractors)
Vulnerability requirements for certain systems
Sound level restrictions
Incompatibility of new equipment and control system with some existing equipment
Time schedule limit
24 hours /365 days non-stop operation
Redundant operation
Firem Dampers control & sink to fire alarm system
Scope of work
ARMANIK’s scope of work for the above project comprised:
The ahu & accu with redundant
control, is able to adapt at different thermal loads, optimizing the operating of the unit and guaranteeing the longevity of the components also in intensive use(H24/365)
Co-writing technical specifications and implementing and calculating of load the HVAC system within the building and process design, site visit and general arrangement.
Complete design and engineering of the HVAC systems, followed by delivery, installation, commissioning, SAT activities.
System and process was constructed by PARS FARAGAM & DDCO consortium in TEHRAN province of Iran .
Scope of supply
Among several smaller items of equipment, the following main equipment was supplied.
2 x Air handling unit & condensing unit with heating , cooling & hyumidity control panel and monitoring